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Emergency Workflows

Our Emergency Workflows for covid-19 harness the power of Intelligent Messaging (IM) and the existing data in your Housing Management System (HMS).



IM can use the Tenant Profile data to identify groups of vulnerable or at risk tenants so that you can target specific communications at them, for example, elderly or those with mobility issues.


This allows the CHP to engage with community groups that can assist with supporting those tenants.



Once the groups of Tenants are identified, the CHP can then use a set of 3 general communication workflows to allow them to send messages to the Tenants as follows:


  • Announcement - intended as a one way message to notify Tenants, for example, office opening hour changes.

  • Yes/No - ask Tenants a question that requires a simple Yes/No answer, the result of which can trigger activity by CHP staff, for example, "Do you need any Prescriptions filling?"

  • Freeform - ask Tenants an open question that they can respond too, for example, you may ask "What is your email addresss" and the tenant can reply with their current email address. 



Intelligent Messaging allows Tenants to text in a remote command, or key word, to the system to trigger a workflow. Ordinairly this maybe to request a Balance or a Meeting, but in this context we have a set of specific workflows:


  • SCIPTS - to request assistance with getting a prescription ordered. The Tenant simply texts the word SCRIPTS to the mobile number used by Inelligent Messaging.

  • ISOLATED - to notify the CHP they are self isolating.

  • INFECTED -- to notify the CHP they are confirmed with the virus.

  • RENT - to request assistance with their rent payments.

  • ESSENTIALS - to request help with getting household or food essentials.

  • MENU - lists the remote commands available to the Tenants


These requests don't have to be forefilled by the CHP but in conjunciton with community support groups.



If you would like to find out more information then feel free to email us at or use the chat option in the bottom right corner.




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